Faith Fix: Who’s On The Line? ATP

Who’s On The Line? ATP

Have you ever had this question? “I’ve always been a little confused on when should we pray to Jesus and when to pray to God, are there specific times we pray to one or the other or do we just always pray to our Father in heaven in the name of the Lord?”

This same thing used to confuse me! Aren’t you glad (I know I am) that we have answers in the Word? It seems as though God knew what we would need ahead of time! In John 16:23-24, Jesus made it plain, “And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you. Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” We have to understand a few things, then this will make sense.

Jesus died to gain us entrance to Heaven. This entrance was not only for when we die, though praise God it is included. Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came to give us abundant life. Prayer is our doorway to all Heaven has to offer us.

In Heaven there is no need for abundant life to be given because Heaven is in the presence of God and in His presence there is no lack. Sin drove us from God’s presence thus separating us from that supply. Jesus bridged the gap between us and God. If you remember, when we look to the first chapter of Genesis, God blessed man with everything they would ever need. It wasn’t until sin entered the human race that flow was cut off.

What Jesus did when He died and rose again was gain the authority man lost to satan and then in turn, transferred this authority to us as a gift of grace. His name IS the authority. The apostle Paul said in Philippians 2:9, “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name.” So then we do what we’ve always done, ask the Father, but now we use the name of Jesus because the name is our place of connection to Him.

That said, we know also that there are many different types of prayers and we would do well to utilize them. For example, when praying in the Holy Ghost or in tongues, we don’t necessarily use the name of Jesus because it is a different type of prayer. However, when we are praying in the Spirit it is right and good to speak to the Holy Spirit as a person because He IS. For example we could say, “Holy Spirit you are my Teacher and my Helper. I ask you to show me this or that or help me pray this or that out.”

The Bible promises us that if we pray God’s will, we will always receive. The problem is, we don’t always know. Romans 8:26 tells us, “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” We need to remember that the Holy Ghost is the part of God who is here with us today. Jesus is not here, He is seated in Heaven next to the Father. If we neglect The Holy Ghost and His prayer, then we limit the effectiveness and ability of our prayer. Also, we limit our ability to hear God’s response.

Many Christians pray to God in Jesus name and never receive their answer. This does not happen because God didn’t answer, it happens because they never learned to hear. The Holy Ghost is the one who speaks to us today. Remember what John 16:13 says? “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.” God wants us to hear. We need to hear because many times the answer is found in His instruction. So pray to God in Jesus name and pray in the Spirit to receive your answer. Knowing God by His methods makes every prayer effective every time!

Be Blessed,

Pastor Jeff

How do you deal with strife in the church in the aspect of jealousy?  How do you deal with someone who seems to try to one up you?  I think I should know how to deal with/handle this, but I don’t.  I am really struggling to find a solution.

Faith Fix: (ATP) Finding God’s Plan

This week’s question is crucial in walking in the perfect will of God for our lives. “As we all know Jeremiah 29:11 states that God has a good plan for us. Are we supposed to know His plan for us? Furthermore, God’s will be done and we all have a purpose here, but how do we know what our individual purpose is or is everyone’s purpose the same, to glorify Him?”

A great way to answer this is with Jeremiah 29:13 which says, “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”

I would say the most important thing we can do is discover what His plan is for us. The fact is, many Christians live this life and never figure out what God’s plan is for them and the reason is generally because they are not interested. The scripture here tells us we will find Him when we seek Him with our WHOLE heart. I’ll get back to that in a minute.

God’s plan for us is bigger than just one thing. He has a plan for us first and foremost in the Body of Christ, but then also individually. Our individual plan is always connected to the plan for the whole Body. When I say the Body of course I mean both all believers that are here, were here, and will be here, but also the Body as the local church. So then we can say we need to know God’s plan for humanity as a whole, His plan for the area or region we live, His plan for the time we live, His plan for our local church, and also where we fit into all of that. Sounds like a lot but it isn’t as hard as it seems.

I will show you this by returning to Jeremiah 29:13. The key here is seeking God with your whole heart. What does this mean? It is when you seek something in such a way that you are unsatisfied without it. If you were truly hungry, you would completely focus on finding food. You would not be casual about it. You may not know exactly where to find it, but you would set yourself on a course to ensure you find it. It would become a matter of life or death. Finding God is really much the same. The thing is with God, once you have decided you are unwilling to go without Him and His plan, He ensures (as promised in Jeremiah) that you will find it.

I love what Paul said in Philippians 3:14. “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” The word press means literally to pursue in a hostile manner. That’s a person who WILL NOT go without. As we do what God has commanded, pray, read the Word, do what the Word says, and submit to a local church, God will reveal His plan to us step by step.

When I first started coming to church, I never thought I would pastor a church, let alone two. As I went and became more and more faithful, growing in the Lord, I discovered this plan. More is revealed to me all the time and what I know now far exceeds what I knew even just a few years ago. This is because my desire is to do His will. I am not perfect by any stretch but I am hungry!

So to sum this up, desire, truly desire from God to know what He has for you. Ask Him and He will tell you. Remember that He has said, “keep asking and keep knocking” and you will find. His promise is sure to all, but only if we are truly hungry!

Be a Blessed,

Pastor Jeff

Faith Fix: A Giving Heart (ATP)

This week’s question is one any faithful believer has probably asked themself. “What if your heart is doing what’s right but in your mind you have “voices” (satan) telling you you’re doing things for the wrong reasons but you are sincere about what you’re doing…for example, giving. We give because we’re taught that and for me personally I love to give and bless people, but satan will say “you’re just doing it to get something yourself” and no matter how many times I try to quiet that, it returns each time and that is NOT the case.”

Well, first we need to separate giving and tithing. Tithing is a command of scripture. Our favorite clear scripture on it is Malachi 3:10, which we usually read in church. Tithing, the commandment of bringing it as well as the amount to bring, are specifically spelled out in scripture, so that makes it easy because it is a command. When we tithe, we do it in obedience so it doesn’t fully matter the motive. I say fully because motive is always important but obedience to God’s command cannot be opposed, without being in disobedience to God.

As far as giving goes, though it is also a command, the process is a whole different thing. The best way to always answer any question is with the Word. 2 Corinthians 9:7 is maybe one of the most clear scriptures on giving. It is to giving what Malachi 3:10 is to tithing. It says, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” It sounds like to me that you are a cheerful giver. You love to give, you aren’t doing it to gain special points. You’re doing it because you want to share what God has done for you. In other words, your heart has purposed to give and that’s wonderful! We can and should always check our motives, for sure. If I’m giving just to gain favor with someone or to get something from God, of course that would be wrong. However, if because we understand scripture and give because we know God will always supply us, that is a great motive. Again we are being obedient to His commandment.

That said, whatever we do we should do it with purpose. So if you know your purpose ahead of time then the way to deal with the devil is easy. Your purpose doesn’t have to be anything grand, maybe only to make someone smile, but it’s still purpose. I know why I’m giving so when the devil comes knocking we deal with him the way Jesus did. We answer his attack with the Word of God. “Devil, the Bible says as one purposes in their own heart to give, let them give. I have purposed in my heart to give such and such and because of that God has accepted it! Beyond that He tells me that He will give me the ability to give more so I am going to continue! Shut up in Jesus name!”

Satan hates the Word and even more so a Christian who speaks it. When you know your authority, and you use it, the devil can’t stay because the Bible says so. If he comes back, start reminding him of his free ticket to hell and how you are saved and blessed by Jesus. I guarantee he will not want to stick around! Remember, God loves a cheerful giver. The amplified version of this verse says, “He is unwilling to do without it”. Don’t let the devil or anyone else steal your joy in giving. It blesses God and He has already accepted it. When you give, practice praise. Praise Him while you give, for the ability to give, for the joy of giving and no devil will want to be anywhere near you!

Be Blessed,

Pastor Jeff

How Do You Know When It’s Time to Leave a Toxic Environment?

How Do You Know When It’s Time to Leave a Toxic Environment?

How do you know when it’s time to leave a toxic place or situation? How will God let me know when it’s enough and it’s the right time to leave? When you feel maxed out it is sometimes confusing to know what the right move is.

This week’s question is one I’m sure many have also had. We live in a fallen world and experience a whole gamut of behaviors that aren’t what we would consider Christlike. Knowing this, the Bible says as much as it’s up to you live at peace with all men. Romans 12:18 (NKJV), “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” It isn’t always up to us, though. Sometimes others refuse to be peaceful, but most of the time I’ve found that an attitude adjustment on our end can have quite an impact in changing a situation. We first must ask ourselves have we been doing our part to create peace. If we’ve been acting snarky, cold, silent or angry, we may need to meditate on the great love scriptures (1 Cor. 13:4-8) because walking in love IS walking in peace. Love is patient, love is not provoked, and love thinks no evil.

If you have done all you know how to do and the environment has not changed, you may have to seek the Lord for a change in your situation, whether in your employment or a relationship or something else that may have become toxic. “Lord, what is my next step?” This is a time to ask the Lord what His will and plan for your life is. I am reminded of Jesus in the garden, Lord not my will but Yours (Luke 22:42). Jesus wasn’t excited about the situation at hand, knowing He was to be crucified, but if it was God’s plan, He was willing and obedient.

I’m also reminded of what Rev. Christopher Alam shared with us recently, that sometimes we are the ones that are going to reach our enemies for the Lord. Maybe that is why we are there in the first place. If not us, who else? With all of this however, the Lord would never keep us in an abusive situation. If the situation has become physically, emotionally, or verbally abusive it’s pretty clear it’s no longer safe.

When you feel maxed out, it’s time to practice rest. I love Jesus’s example as He slept in the boat during the storm of hurricane proportions. He didn’t fret, He didn’t try to tread water, He just knew He was going to the other side, that no matter what, God was going to take care of them and they were going to have victory. By faith and patience we obtain the promises.

God is a God of peace and He always leads by peace. If there is no peace in making a move in a situation, God‘s not calling you to make any rash decisions. Time is always on our side. The Lord is not the author of confusion, and you will know it’s time to move when there is peace in your heart to move. Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” When we are confused, it’s time to rest and renew our mind by the Word of God.

Be Blessed,

Pastor Renée

Corry Sermons for 2017

12/23/17 Unto Us a Savior–Pastor Renée Mitchener

12/16/17 All Words Matter–Pastor Renée Mitchener

12/2/17 Spirit Living Is Real Living: Part 2–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

11/25/17 Spirit Living Is Real Living–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

11/18/17 Do Not Grow Weary–Pastor Michael Lokietek

11/4/17 Still The Same–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

10/28/17 Keeping The Keeping Word–Pastor Renée Mitchener

10/21/17 What Did Jesus Do?–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

10/7/17 Committed To Him–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

9/23/17 Fixed Faith–Pastor Renée Mitchener

9/16/17 Knowing His Will–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

9/9/17 How To Go Through Trial–Pastor Renée Mitchener

9/2/17 Our God Is A Good God–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

8/26/17 More Than Win–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

8/19/17 What’s Your Confession?–Pastor Renée Mitchener

8/12/17 Fruit Bearers: Part 2–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

8/5/17 Fruit Bearers: Part 1–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

7/29/17 The Key To Perfect Peace–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

7/22/17 Growing In Knowledge–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

7/15/17 The Three Part Nature of Man–Pastor Renée Mitchener

7/1/17 Word and Spirit: Part 1–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

6/24/17 Draw near To God–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

6/9/17 Speak Life–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

6/3/17 Who Are You Working With?–Pastor Renée Mitchener

5/27/17 Sin Separate, Blood Bought–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

5/20/17 Proving God’s Will–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

5/6/17 Faith In His Supply–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

4/29/17 God Does In Those Who Do In Him–Pastor Jeff Mitchener

Loving Him Back

Loving Him Back

Psalms 16:8 (NKJV)

I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.

Where does the Lord rank in your life? Notice that the placement of God’s closeness to you is not about His desire, but yours. Where is God set in your morning, in your day, in your week? It’s easy, especially in these days, to get distracted and busy with life. As a pastor of two churches, a guy with a family, and a man who just wants to get some stuff done, the ability for distraction is ever present. Not being distracted is actually quite a chore. That said, perhaps my greatest challenge is to keep myself with my God in close proximity.

That sounds bad, I know, and I don’t mean it from the standpoint that for some reason God is not enjoyable. What I mean is those things that call us away from Him are real and present and always seeking His place in our lives. Exodus 34:14 says, “for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God”. God is jealous for our affection, and yet it seems at times that the bulk of what He gets is when we need something from Him.

In the relatively short time that I have pastored I have seen it many times. People come to church as a last resort in their life. Maybe addiction, or a bad marriage, or sickness are plaguing them and they come hoping for relief. At church they are presented with various ways God has given us to heal.  After they get their help, they turn from God. It’s, “Now that things are better I can return to my former life”. Interestingly, they lose sight of what Romans 8:12 says, “Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh”. We are indebted to God, yet even though that is the case, He still won’t force anyone to live for Him.

God loves us fervently and desires us unceasingly. We owe it to Him to live for Him, not just so we receive the help when we need it, but because we are grateful to a God who gave us everything He possibly could. Will you return God’s love by loving Him back? Will you set your affection on Him or allow it to simply return to things that don’t really matter? I know I am making it a practice to seek God’s face. The further I go, the more I desire His relationship and fellowship. God wants me and I want Him. He wants you, too, but what will you choose?

Deuteronomy 6:5 (NKJV)

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

Be Blessed,

Pastor Jeff