Do you ever have Bible questions or questions of faith? Our Faith Fix Ask the Pastors (ATP) answers those questions.
With Interest… (ATP)
It seems disinterest amongst believers is prevalent. Why don’t believers run to the church, run to offering plates, run to...
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Words, Words, Words… Part 3 (ATP)
Question: Do the words that we use like naming something, have an effect on them. For example, I have heard...
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Words, Words, Words… Part 2 (ATP)
Question: Do the words that we use like naming something, have an effect on them. For example, I have heard...
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Faith Fix: Words, Words, Words… Part 1 (ATP)
Question: Do the words that we use like naming something, have an effect on them. For example, I have heard...
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Three In One? Inconceivable! (ATP)
Question: How do we defend the doctrine of the trinity when people say to us “the word trinity isn’t in...
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