Standing On The Word (ATP)
What do you do when the past tries to tug at you, trying to convince you to leave where you have been planted, to realize the truth of being planted?
Romans 12:2 (NKJV), “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Maybe the most important instruction in scripture is seen here in Romans. The only thing that separates us from victory is really in this idea; you must renew your mind.
When we come into the faith, into a Word preaching church, there are many things that will be foreign to us. The very concept of spiritual things are opposite what we think. We must remember that the way we think never really helped us in our past. Sure it may have gotten you through here and there, but when there was real trouble, your way didn’t work. In 1 Corinthians 2:14 we are told, “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” Also in Romans 8:7, “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.”
Our natural minds do not want or want to comply with the truth of God, but instead it always desires to lead us astray. This is why it is IMPERATIVE to transform our minds. A Christian who does not transform their mind will be a Christian who isn’t faithful very long. We transform our minds by submitting to God’s Word. We submit to God’s Word by acknowledging that it is truth above our truth.
You may ask, “What if I don’t believe something?” This is often a place where our faith will surely be tested. We have to decide within ourselves, either this is God’s Word or it is not. That decision will not change its truth but it will impact how we view the truth and what it can do for us. Truth will only be helpful to a person if they embrace it. For instance, it is true that if I am on top of the world’s tallest building and I step off, I will eventually hit the ground and bad things will happen. If I were not aware of this truth or if I refused to believe it, the knowledge of it is useless to me if I act in my lack of belief. The same goes for Christians. We are brought into the light (we are called children of light) but if we try to snuff the light out, we only hinder its effectiveness in our lives.
The Bible uses many references to being planted but one of my favorites is Psalms 92:13. It says, “Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.” The understanding is implied, that those who are not planted cannot flourish God’s way. Not just as a pastor, but as a faithful Christian, I have watched this play out in many lives, including my own. Whatever we embrace, becomes our truth. Notice I didn’t say the Truth, there is a difference.
Christians are deceived when they are drawn away from what the Word says, and follow that thing which draws them. Before they know it their lives have changed, and I have never seen this for the better. The house of the Lord, the local church, is where God’s people come to have the wrinkles in their faith ironed out. Without that input, we open ourselves up to any and all the lies of the devil.
So what does one do? In 2 Timothy 1:13 Paul tells Timothy, “Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.” You hold onto the truth and refuse to let it go. When you declare that God’s Word is your truth, and refuse to be moved from it, you will not be deceived. Thoughts come and go, changing like the weather based in however we feel in the moment. The Word of God, that stands forever!
Be Blessed,
Pastor Jeff