In I Timothy 4:15 it says, “Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.” This doesn’t seem possible; how does one give themselves “entirely” to the study of the Word of God?
What does it mean to give yourself entirely to anything? Well, of course Paul was not instructing Timothy to study without eating, drinking, or breathing. Let me bring this up in another translation. 1 Timothy 4:15 in the NASB says, “Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all.” Something we are so blessed with in this day is the multitude of resources we have. More than any generation, we have more access to the Word of God and yet we are maybe one of the most faithless generations.
For every Christian, their faith life and walk should be entirely, but what does this mean exactly? There’s another similar scripture that will help make it clear. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 instructs us to, “pray without ceasing.” Wait a minute! If I am to give myself entirely to study how would I possibly have time to pray without ceasing? Thanks for all the impossibilities God! These words are used to put emphasis on these things, not put us in monk like bondage. Have you ever heard a minister say, “This is what I do all the time” and yet know you could never live up to that standard? You get discouraged and almost quit. That’s because what is conviction for one, isn’t for the other. Reference the Faith Fix on religious bondage (Are We Free Or What?).
In my walk with God I have learned some very important truths, ones that are sometimes so simple they couldn’t possibly be God, or are they? Jesus said in Matthew 11:29-30, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Also in 1 John 5:3 it says, “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.” God’s way is not near as difficult as we make it!
So are you ready for these truths? Let’s start with this, God does not hate the natural world! Wait, what?!? That’s right, the earth and everything in it not only belongs to God but when He created it all He said it was good. When the Bible says to not love the world, it means the way of the world or the ways the world went. When the Bible says don’t live by the flesh it means dictated by the flesh not out of the flesh. God created your flesh, He loves it. After all, He made this His temple. God loves the natural world, He created it. When God gives us these wonderful instructions He is expecting that we apply them in life and in the world. We are the vessels by which He desires to bring Heaven to earth.
To give ourselves entirely to the Word or to pray without ceasing means that this is what our lives, in the flesh, in this world, are to be built on. When that is the case Heaven meets earth through humanity by the power of God. We are not to be self-absorbed but God-absorbed, saturated with His goodness! This is how a Christian lives a victorious life. As you go about life you can pray. As you work your job you can meditate on His word. It should come up in conversation, in thought, in this life!
These scriptures may apply more to this generation than ever. All we have is distraction and it is increasing. It increases because people, God’s people, give themselves entirely to everything else. When presented with this fact, instead of praying for help and making change, they justify why they can’t. Did you know that self-justification of any kind is always pride? This is why it says that Jesus “answered not a word.” Romans 8:33 says, “Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies.” The devil’s sin was pride, Jesus wasn’t going to be caught in it. He knew what He had to do, and gave Himself wholly to it!
It’s not hard to be absorbed with God, you just endeavor to and then start on that road. You surround yourself with people who want to do the same. When people throw themselves all into God, He throws Himself wholly into them. Be consumed with God and you will be surprised at just how effective you get in natural things. Being consumed with Him makes you overcome all that isn’t, and that’s not a bad place to live!
Be Blessed,
Pastor Jeff