Faith By The Word

Faith By The Word
As pastors, our job, according to scripture, is to equip the saints, that is the body of Christ, for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12). We are called to study the Word of God, to pray and to seek His direction for the local church and for the lives of the people He has put in our care.

But one of the biggest responsibilities of a pastor is to be an example of walking and living according to faith. That’s why when the opportunity came to purchase our new church building in Corry, PA, and we knew it was the direction of the Lord, we had to step out and take it by faith. Many people wonder how you can acquire a building of your own after only a few short months of establishing a church, but the Lord is faithful. See, faith doesn’t wait for the natural things to line up and all to seem favorable before it moves. Faith moves the natural. Remember what Jesus taught us in Matthew 17:20, “…for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can accomplish more than with all the natural advantages you can think of, with no faith. When God has a plan, when His stamp of approval is there, He will always make a way, according to your faith. It doesn’t just work for pastors. It works for us all, as Christians, as we follow His leading in the still small voice of peace in our hearts, and step out into the direction He has for us to go. I’m so thankful that we don’t just get to hear about faith giants in the days of old, but we can walk in the same mountain-moving, life-altering faith as recorded in scripture.

There’s no better way than the path of faith. Faith moves mountains. Faith heals the sick. Faith pays the bills. Faith mends relationships. Faith opens the door for peace, promotion, favor, and victory. Faith is the way to go. As pastors, we don’t try to get people to come to our church because we want big numbers. If we wanted big numbers, we wouldn’t stand fast to the Word of God without compromise. No, a true Pastor wants as many people as possible to get the truth that builds the kind of faith that will move the mountains in their lives.

Are you dealing with a mountain of sickness? Did you know the Word of God promises healing, true healing? We’ve seen testimonies of people being delivered from stage 4 cancer, depression, and drug addictions, among other life-threatening diseases, all by building faith in the Word of God. Did you know the Word of God promises your needs met and that God actually wants you to live in abundance? We’ve watched testimony after testimony of those once surrendered to poverty, now having all their debts paid and needs provided, with enough left over to give into every good work! Did you know the Word of God can move the mountain between you and your spouse? Marriages being built on the Word of God won’t end the way those in the world are ending. God wants strong marriages, strong people, and strong local churches.

I encourage you, if you haven’t ever learned how to use your faith, get connected to a good Bible-teaching local church, who won’t compromise the truth. It will save your life. As the Bible says, in Romans 10:17, “…faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” If you want to have faith to change your circumstances, you must be in a place of hearing the Word of God. This is why the Bible tells us not to forsake assembling together (Hebrews 10:25), because when Jesus ascended, He gave gifts unto men, in the form of pastors, teachers, and other ministry offices (Ephesians 4:8), in order to teach and preach the Word of God that will build faith in us and change our lives.

Find a Pastor who preaches and teaches the truth with boldness. John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” If you’re looking for a Pastor and for a church to call home, we’d love to be that for you. We love you. We’re rooting for you. And, we’d love to help you see the blessed plan God has for your life.

Be Blessed,
Pastor Renee

Top Of The Page

Top Of The Page

Ephesians 1:17 (NKJV)
that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him

I’ve been loving my new Bible. If you didn’t know, recently I made the transition from solely using electronic Bibles to mostly using an actual old school book. I believe I was inspired by God to do this and it has proven to be quite

Now, before I go to much further, I am in no way saying that iDevice Bibles or the equivalent are bad. I am not saying it is wrong to use one. They are wonderful tools, but for me, they are just different. Incredibly handy for reference, electronic Bibles eliminate the need to carry a library with you everywhere. This is great for the back!

I know, “where is this going,” right? As I read in my Bible I have found great joy in underlining, highlighting, and writing all over these pages what the Lord is revealing to me. I especially love, when I go back through it, these scribblings are like tracks of where I’ve been. Now, I haven’t had this new Bible very long (maybe a few months) but, every time I open it I am reminded of what God has been showing me and how much I have been getting in just a short time. See, we tend to forget when it’s not in front of us. As with anything we all have our own methods of study and learning. For whatever reason there are certain revelations that come to me that I deem “top of the page” worthy. These are tidbits that just seem right to accentuate a bit more. I write them at the top of the page, a little bigger, and usually with a star. All of this may seem strange to you but it’s refreshing to me.

The point I am making is two-fold. One, you need to take time to fellowship with the Lord through His written Word. Two, if you pay attention, He will lead you to methods of study that suit you and enable you to hear from Him more. Trusting God, even in what seems the simplest of things, blesses Him immensely and He will reward you by meeting you more. Remember Matthew 5:6?

This came to me at church the other night: “God sent His Son to be visible… yes, He wants us to know and see Him!” Hallelujah! God is just waiting for us to allow Him in. It’s a process but the Word tells us, draw close to Him and He will draw close to us (James 4:8). The first step is with us.

Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

Be Blessed,
Pastor Jeff

Use It Or Lose It

Use It Or Lose It

Proverbs 4:7 (NKJV)
Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding.

Wisdom, the Bible says, is the most important thing. People chase money, fame, pleasure, and even other people, but it is all the deception of the devil. Not because any of these things in and of themselves is bad, but because our heart toward them can be.

Recently, a man in my church had some questions about the book of Ecclesiastes. A curious and great question after reading it, “how can a man (King Solomon) having so much wisdom say such depressing things?” “Vanity Of vanities!,” He starts off, “all is vanity!” What we need to understand is Ecclesiastes is written from the stand point of a man reflecting on his life after not following God. See, Solomon received wisdom, but he didn’t always walk in it. You can have the tools, but if you don’t pick them up and use them, they are pointless. They become vanity!

In doing some Solomon research, I came across some very interesting scriptures. We read in 1 Kings 11:1-2, “But King Solomon loved many foreign women, as well as the daughter of Pharaoh: women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, and Hittites— from the nations of whom the Lord had said to the children of Israel, “You shall not intermarry with them, nor they with you. Surely they will turn away your hearts after their gods.” Solomon clung to these in love.” Now, if we are not skillful with the Word we can misunderstand something important. Twice here it tells us Solomon loved these women. The love it is referring to is not the love we are to have for each other or that God has for us. It is literally to have affection for someone sexually. God, in His wisdom knew Solomon would be drawn away from Him by His lust for women. He knew if he didn’t check it, he would be drawn away from God. Solomon was given great wisdom and though he used it for many things, he didn’t use it for the most important, that which God had warned him about.

As we continue to read in chapter 11, we see that exactly what God had warned Solomon about came to pass because Solomon didn’t use the wisdom given him. It wasn’t anyone else’s fault, but Solomon’s.
We need to take heed according to the Word of God. When it says don’t touch, don’t touch. The stove will only burn you if you touch it! The Word of God was given to us to protect and guide us, to lead us into His blessing. It is not God’s fault if we choose to ignore His wisdom.

Psalms 119:11 (NKJV)
Your word I have hidden in my heart,
That I might not sin against You.

Be Blessed,
Pastor Jeff

Who Do You Think You Are?

Who Do You Think You Are?

I recall many different identities I tried to personify as I went about my teen years. I remember the Brittany Spears preppy school girl, knee high socks, plaid skirts, Mary Jane shoes era of my middle school days, followed promptly by my skateboarder girl period. I went retro, bell bottom, colored shades, bargain basement finds, “forget the mall” at one point afterwards. I even associated myself with the hip hop, rapper styles and personality. I never knew who I was and was always searching. If you’re anything like me, you may have experienced a similar sense of confusion. At some point though, we need to stop pretending and know who we are!

We need to know who we are and think like who we are. It matters who we think we are because we will live like we think we’re supposed to live. When I was 23 years old, I found Jesus. I knew nothing about Him, but as time went on, He helped me to learn both who He is and who I really am. I’m so glad I don’t have to wonder anymore. See, in those memories I recalled, I was just following whims of society, who the media told me I should be. This is why it’s so dangerous to get our direction on television or social media. The truth of who we are is only found in scripture.

2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV) says, “…we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” When we look to scripture we see God’s purpose for mankind. He wants us to be transformed into the likeness and image of Jesus. He wants us to be transformed into who we were made to be by the washing of the water of the Word of God (Eph. 5:26).

We need to know that, as Christians, our citizenship is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20), that we are members of the household and family of God Himself (Eph. 2:19), and that we have been made to be a dwelling place of the Lord (Eph. 2:22). We need to know who we are!

I imagine that, had I not found Jesus, I would have had a perpetual identity crisis. The only way to know about the creation is through the Creator. This is why we live in a time and place where people are so confused about who they are and how they should live. Society has tainted the truth about right and wrong. Society has made serving the devil somehow alluring, through total deception. We need to get back to the truth of who we are and how we are meant to live. Look at Psalms 119:9 (NKJV), “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word.” Let’s let the Lord order our steps. Let’s let the Word of God be our mirror, and we will continually be transformed into the very image of Jesus Himself.

Be Blessed,
Pastor Renee

Judge Yes!

Judge Yes!

Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

“The world was never meant to change the church; the Church was meant to change the world!” – Pastor Tim Stahlman

I like to observe things wherever I am. When I do, I learn so much. I’ve found that in the midst of daily activities the Lord will show me truths from His Word. In everyday conversations you can learn so much about the happenings in life.

Recently, I overheard a man start to tell a story about his father, a faithful man in the church for all his life, and his personal experience with religious leaders. Before I go further, I want you to consider how this church experience affected this man’s perception of church, the Bible, and ultimately God. His father was part of a denomination that had grown stale in its tradition, doing things because it’s just what they do, instead of understanding the purpose for doing them. This man continued explaining these “behind the scenes” experiences, then explaining that after they were all done with their rituals they went with the “leaders” and drank coffee spiked with liquor. This man, who now makes fun of those who are saved Christians, expressed, “That’s when I realized that ministers are drinkers like everyone else.” What he was saying is there is no change in them, no proof of being affected by their God. If they live like the rest of us, then what is the purpose to serving this God?

Now, I could spend time going to the verses that forbid those in ministry from drinking, or verses that tell us about how drunkards and partiers can’t get into Heaven (1 Cor. 6:10). I could talk about how we are commanded not to be drunk which takes away from us (Eph. 5:18), or how strong drink is for fools but I’m not (Prov. 20:1). The real focus here is, as “religious” people, what are our actions speaking to the world?

Literally in this account we see a family, in one generation, go from serving God to wanting nothing to do with Him because of the apparent hypocrisy of the faith. How do I know this from one encounter, you might ask? I have had many opportunities to watch and listen, and from this source these things have been made clear. Regardless, my intent is also not to judge him, his father, or those spiritual leaders. That would again be missing the whole point.

The point I am making is that as Christians, we need to be careful what we do, because even when we don’t think so, people are watching. People watching us will judge our faith and our God by our actions. That’s sobering! Yes, I don’t sit judging those people, but I judge myself. What have I done that pushes people from the Truth? Are there areas of my life that, instead of shining as a light, I work as a repellent to the gospel? I am also not talking about living in condemnation. What I’m saying is, if you believe you are Christ’s you owe it to Him and the blood He bought you with to consider your life and the things that you do. Your actions and those things you insist upon matter to those looking in. How many parents have pushed their children from God and to the path of hell, because they refuse to change?

We need to consider that with every area of life where we willingly compromise, others view it as hypocrisy. In fact, most of any atheist’s ammunition against our faith comes from the very ones who practice it! We owe it to God to consider these things because, after all, He didn’t just die for you. He died for each and every person who goes to hell every single day. 1 Corinthians 11:31, “For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged.”

Be Blessed,
Pastor Jeff

The Principle Thing

The Principle Thing

Proverbs 4:7
Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.

Wisdom, or the ability to apply knowledge is a crucial part of living a Godly life. The Bible is the greatest book of wisdom but there are some things that must be understood. For instance, is that which is being conveyed instruction or a principle?

We are told in 2 Timothy 3:16 that, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” Notice this verse didn’t say just doctrine, just reproof, just correction, or just instruction. These are not repeats of one another but they each have their place. For the sake of this Faith Fix, I’m going to focus on two, doctrine and instruction.

Doctrine is the teaching of the precepts or the principle of a thing. It is not necessarily the instruction of what to do but how to apply something specifically to a specific scenario. For example, Peter walked on water at Jesus’s command, however it isn’t God’s will that we all do this on a regular basis. For the purpose of teaching faith, God allowed it. We see this as Jesus and the disciples were led to different places to do different things. In these things we can take the principle from the experience and apply it to our own lives.

Instruction is different in that it is specific direction on something. It is the “do” this and “don’t do” that’s. Examples of this include reading the Word, praying, going to church, tithing, etc.

It’s amazing how multifaceted God and His Kingdom are. On one hand, we are given the written Word so we have instruction and principle, and on the other we have the Holy Spirit who works in conjunction with the Word to lead us and guide us in specific situations according to the principles in the Word. When He said He would not leave us orphans, He wasn’t kidding!

I love God’s reasoning for this in the next verse, 2 Timothy 3:17, “that the man (or woman) of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” God’s truth works in us, through us, and all around us because He wanted us fully equipped. The more that we learn to put to practice what His Word teaches the more we resemble all He intended us to be!
Wisdom first will lead to the source. The source is the Word of God and a firm place to build all your life on. With the help of the Holy Ghost and a good Bible teaching church you will mold your life into exactly what God intended it to be: full and blessed, walking out every thing He has for you to do!

Be Blessed,
Pastor Jeff